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Hitting and game visualization helps prepare an athlete to create mental images of the swing and the pitchers delivery and to go through the motions of the pitcher's release point to ball travel, ball conduct and finish. Studies have shown 5 to 10 minute visualization prior to game and practice has vantage points on proper preparation and creating a positive approach to the physical and mental aspect of the baseball swing and overall game play.

Hitting is the toughest fundamental to master in most sports. In my experience over the last 25 years, I have found team/individual visualization very effective. Sean Kazmar, a SS with the Atlanta Braves organization, and several of my former players who currently play professionally still use this technique while preparing for their games

This technique can be used by an individual player or with an entire team. Prior to a game or practice, find a quiet place like up the foul line, in the outfield. in the locker room, etc. The athlete should lay down or sit and get comfortable. The athlete then needs to clear his mind, close his eyes and see successful approaches and mechanics to his hitting day. This prepares the athlete for a positive performance.


While being relaxed, close your eyes and take a deep breath all the way in through the nose and out through the mouth. Repeat the breathing while clearing your head and relaxing. Breath in one last time and hold the breath for a few seconds. As you breath out this final time, blow out all the drama, garbage and distractions of your day. Continue breathing steadily while you visualize your game play.

Hitting Visualization

1. While still breathing, see your swing nice and slow. Feel the load stride, swing, finish "step wait drive it."

2. Now, see the pitcher Rt/Lt handed high arm, low arm, and release point.

3. See FB. 2 or 4 seam in and see yourself attacking fastball in as you get the bat speed on top and inside and hit the ball a little out front and drive it to the gap to the line. See it. Remember, "step wait drive it".

4. Breath. See FB away and anticipate what you are going to get that day. See 2 or 4 seam. FB away, let the ball travel, "step wait drive it" to the gap to the line.

5. Breath. See the pitcher's out pitch, stay on it, yet lay off it unless there are 2 strikes and it is a strike.

6. Breath. See his off-speed pitch, prepare for it mentally in your approach, driving the ball in the air and up the middle. See his release point and drive it to the gap to the line.

Situation Visualization:

5th Inning: Runners at 1st and 3rd with one out. 1-1 count and Coach gives you signal to hit and run. Team up. Find a way to execute. Score the run.

7th Inning: 2 strikes, 2 outs, 2 guys in scoring position. Battle the count until you get yours and score them.

9th Inning: Tie score. Plan for it in your approach for your day and score them. Be the guy and win the game.

Base Running Visualization:

Base Running: See yourself preparing as a base runner to take advantage of a defense. See yourself scoring a lot of runs and taking bags.

Defense Visualization:

See yourself at your position.

Outfielders: Anticipate getting great breaks on the ball, hustling, hitting your cut and making a game-saving great play.

Infielders: Anticipate the ball hit to you as hard as possible, staying down and sitting on the ball, not getting beat left to right.

Catchers: See yourself controlling the tempo of the game. Help leading the defensive attack for the team.


Take a deep breath in and let it out. Remember you are all a team and will team up all game. Now open your eyes.


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